This project is the product of an assignment where we had to make something - anything - every day, for a month (twenty-eight days).
For WINTERZOET, I decided to collect colour swatches from my local hardware store. In case you’re not familiar with them: they are small cards, each in one of the paint colours they have available at the store. That way you can take them home to see which one you would like best on your wall, for example.
This specific store, however, added a (Dutch) title to every one of them. Some of the words made sense, but there were also some mysterious words on the cards that seemed random. It intrigued me.
Every day for a month, I picked one card and wrote a small poetic text to accompany them. Later on I scanned them and added the poems. In my final presentation I projected them onto a wall as a slideshow.
December 2019
For WINTERZOET, I decided to collect colour swatches from my local hardware store. In case you’re not familiar with them: they are small cards, each in one of the paint colours they have available at the store. That way you can take them home to see which one you would like best on your wall, for example.
This specific store, however, added a (Dutch) title to every one of them. Some of the words made sense, but there were also some mysterious words on the cards that seemed random. It intrigued me.
Every day for a month, I picked one card and wrote a small poetic text to accompany them. Later on I scanned them and added the poems. In my final presentation I projected them onto a wall as a slideshow.
December 2019